
I cannot adequately show the landscape with just 12 photos - but here's just a sample.

This was the destination and highlight of our trip. It was everything we hoped it would be.

We've always wanted to visit and we finally did. This place is truly amazing and awe inspiring.

(1) They don't call it the "red centre" for nothing! The colours are stark and beautiful
(2) (3) (4) Uluru - as we approach it ...and then bang! hits you in the face. Until you get close you just don't realize how big this thing is.

1) The path around the rock is about 12 kilometres in length. Mary and I decided to traverse it via Segway.
(2) Matt just could not contain his artistic urges. Here he is doing a water colour of the rock at sunset. He attracted a fair audience, but it didi not seem to bother him. There could have been 1-200 people to watch the sunset.
(3) (4) Sunsets, Sunsets ....and Sunrises ....all of them not to be missed ...if you can get up early enough. Mary and I only saw a couple, but Yin Ling and Ernie saw them all.

Kata Tjuta (aka the Olgas)
This place is just as impressive (if not more so) than Uluru.
(2) The family explorers.